Kobe Bryant Time Ritual, Hidden in Plain Sight: Dark Eulogy Episode 666
In this episode, I will be showing you how the number 666 was encoded unto the scripting of Kobe Bryant's NBA career. This may not be all of the scripting surrounding this particular numerical code, but at least you can get a good idea of the synchronicity and symbolism behind these examples. Thank you to the collective truth community for the unveiling of this information. At this point, we are all familiar with 666, the mark of the beast from The Revelation of Jesus Christ chapter 13; and all of us on pages like mine understand that mainstream media is heavily saturated with this form of satire. Let's elaborate on the mockery. Rev. 13:11 (KJV) "Then I saw another beast coming up out of the earth, and he had two horns like a lamb and spoke like a dragon." Remember that a beast is a monster. Notice how the Nike symbol is strikingly similar to the Hebrew character vav. In gematria, vav has a value of 6. Also, the Nike symbol is a representation of the rings of Satu...