Black Lives Matter: Node of Satan
Have you ever wondered, where does the Black Lives Matter (BLM) logo come from and what does it stand for? Sure, we all know about BLM and its ties to communism, a divide and conquer strategy made famous by puppet Karl Marx. Socialist movements such as Communism have intended purpose of fueling class warfare in order to draw out deeper mistrust and segregation between American people(s).
Theoretically, socialism appears to fit the mold of the general public (all current forms of government are designed by higher powers to manipulate); but while the Hidden Hand dangles the dream of equality and ample opportunity to the American people, the advertently super-wealthy and established institutions make off with the spoils.
So as we continue to bicker amongst ourselves about the apparent advantages of Socialism versus Capitalism, or vice versa. The fact of the matter is this, the hands that plague us have no intensions of providing ailments for long time woes. They have got us right where they want us. The United States of America is an apartheid nation by design, just like all other nations throughout the world.
Yes, I know. From a sheeple’s perspective the BLM fist demonstration stands for liberation, equality, and justice for all. But if you have woken up over the past several years, and I mean REALLY woken up, then you are aware of the mass deception and mockery presented to us through collective media outlets on a daily basis.
Successfully awakening from your slumber would mean that you have become accustomed to the fact that secret societies have monopolized their broadcasting institutions and actively deliver hidden messages through these outlets that sometimes have double or even triple meaning.
For instance, did you know that when you preform the BLM fist in the air demonstration you are signaling a confirming nod to Satan? Not only do you breathe life into the Beast System when you partake in such an act (the inversion of I Can't Breathe), you are also unknowingly displaying the superior capabilities of programming and mind control that are meant to mock your existence every time you hit the streets and proudly raise your fist in the air. Don't believe me? Well let me show you the hidden numerical connections between letters, words, and hand gestures that would tie this theory together.
In American Sign Language (ASL), the fingerspelling gesture for the letter S can be seen above. This gesture is similar, if not identical to the Black Lives Matter fist logo; which was first made population by the Black Panther Party/Black Power movement. The Black Panther Party psychological operation also introduced us to the term COINTELPRO.
In Single Reduction Gematria, S has a numerical value of 10. S is the only letter in this cipher that equals a double-digit value. All other letters in this ciphers reduce to a single-digit value (S is the 19th letter of the English alphabet, therefore reducing to 10 or 1 when using numerology).
In the Book of Formation (Sefer Yazirah), it is stated that God brought about the act of creation through 10 numbers (Sefirot) and twenty-two letters of the Hebrew alphabet.
In Sanskrit, a language of origin, Satan can be translated as 'Infinite and Never Ending Truth.' The Hebrew translation of Satan is 'adversary,' and researchers suggest that 'Eternal Truth' is the great adversary of the Hebrews.
Remember, this is not an article to debate the existence of God/Satan and whether or not my God is better than your God. Government Ordinance Department (GOD) does exist, and they signal their methods of deception by esoteric means. I am simply showing the numerical connections between letters, words, and hand gestures in order to interpret the BLM fist symbolism. Lastly, I find it interesting that many of the concerning words in this presentation begin with the letter S (Sefer Yazirah, Sefirot, Sanskrit, Satan, Shí ).
十 (Shí) Chinese character for 10.
In Chinese culture, the hand gesture for the numerical value 10 is also similar, if not identical to ASL fingerspelling gesture S and the BLM fist logo. I can assure you that none of these associations are coincidental, and by connecting the fist gesture, to the letter S and the number 10 through a range of synchronicity; it becomes apparent that esoteric symbology is at play.
Watch this YouTube video for another interpretation 'Black Power Fist Explained'.
Please stay tuned for part two of this mini-docuseries. In the concluding episode, we will be covering topics such as Nipsey Hussle, Marilyn Mansion, Tupac Shakur, the 10-4 affirmative signal, plus more Gematria numerical connections and shadow government activity!
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